Monday, October 3, 2011

10 Commandments of Traveling...

I came across this in a binder of "Things to Do" in Turkey and couldn't resist posting it. Re-reading it has reminded me of a few things.....

10 Commandments of Traveling

1. Thou shalt not expect to find things as thou hast left them at home for thou hast left home to find things different.  Remember, that if thou were expected to stay in one place, thou wouldst have been created with roots.

2. Thou shalt not worry nor shalt thou take anything too seriously, for a carefree mind is the beginning of a fine trip and few things are ever fatal.

3. Thou shalt not let the other travellers or tourists get on thy nerves for thou art paying good money to enjoy thyself.

4. Remember to take only one half the amount of clothes thee thinkest thee needeth and twice the amount of money.

5. Remember thy passport so thou knowest where it is at all times - for a traveler without a passport is a traveler without a country.

6. Thou shalt not act too cheap for we are very lucky to be from western countries where we have the opportunity to travel abroad.  If in doubt ask how many people thou sawest from third world countries visiting thy country in the west.

7. Thou shalt not show thyself too obviously as having thy nationality.  When in Rome, do somewhat as the Romans do and bring a curse on stereotypes.

8. Thou shalt make an effort to speak the  local language.  It showeth respect to the locals who art thy hosts and they shall treateth thee with much respect in return.

9. Thou shalt not judge the people of a country by one person with whom thou hast trouble.

10. Remember, thou art a guest in every land and he that treateth his host with respect is treated as an honored guest.

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