Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mostly from the V&A - NOT the VMAs

Here are some impressions from the past several days....

* I realize that London is one of the greatest cities in the World but the Sun has got to get on board with the concept of Summer. Gray, Gray, Gray - go away and come back some other day (or week!)
* I have been caught up in the SCAN-DAHL of the century - the closing of the newspaper "The News of the World". Rupert Murdoch and co. were tapping phones illegally in order to get the juiciest, most salacious gossip??!! NO!!! Say it isn't so....?! turns out, ole Rupert and I were both at Hyde Park yesterday breathing the same air according to The Evening Standard....I thought things seemed a little funky...
* Queen Victoria loved her husband. A LOT. A WHOLE LOT. Evidenced by the enormous statue in Hyde Park across from the Royal Albert Hall. I was strangely moved by this testament for her love of him (even if I thought the monument was kinda ugly).
* If you are a Peer of the Realm and can't pay your taxes, the Victoria and Albert Museum will graciously accept your invaluable and priceless tapestries in lieu of I read on "The Swan", "The Otter Hunt", "Falconry" and "Deer Hunt" - tapestries dating from between 1430 - 40. It said, "Accepted by HM Government in lieu of tax payable on the estate of the 10th Duke of Devonshire & allocated to the V&A Museum." Who is hating life?? The 10th Duke of Devonshire is!! One square meter of coarse tapestry could be a month's work - "The Swan and Otter" is more than 40 sq. meters. For my American followers, 40 sq. meters = HUGE!!
* My love of Beatrix Potter has been reawakened - how can one NOT love names like "Jemimah Puddleduck" and "Hunca Munca"?? I will go see her house in The Lake District - expect postcards with characters on them. At the V&A, I discovered a series of floral watercolors that brought tears to my eyes; Beatrix Potter said, "Flower painting is a genteel art celebrating the beauty of nature". She took pride in the botanical watercolors included in some of her most famous "Tales" - i.e. The Tale of Peter Rabbit, The Tale of Benjamin Bunny, The Tale of Jemimah Puddleduck, etc.
* I engaged in serious Jewelry Porn. Diamonds, Rubies and Emeralds, OH MY!! Photography was definitely NOT allowed in the jewelry wing of the V&A.
* The ubiquitous "Mag-Lite" flashlight (or "torch" as it's referred to here) is in the Modern Design Gallery of the V&A. It is made of anodized, precision-machined, aircraft aluminum. Maglite torches are shock and water-resistant. Who knew my parents were paragons of Modern Design....considering we had a Mag-Lite in every room growing up!!
* I should have lived in the Victorian era and attended Balls - I would have looked stunning in the candlelight. At least I did in the reproduction Music Room lit only by "candles" reflected in mirrors. No wonder so many ugly women got married back then and too bad for their poor husbands when they finally saw them in the light of day!!
* I attended Evensong at Westminster Abbey and managed to cry almost the entire service. For someone who is not very religious, I could have fooled myself. I think I just felt closet to Mom - especially when the choir sang....this is going on my Life Resume.
* Had Fish & Chips...not sure what these "Mushy Peas" are all about. The Brits can have them.

Stay tuned for my future diatribe on children in museums....

Leaving London tomorrow and heading for Bath. I'm probably not staying long enough, but my extra day in London and my (now) strong desire to see The Lake District have taken over the original plan of Devon/Cornwall/Plymouth/Bath. I guess this is what traveling with no real itinerary is all about - making and then changing decisions. I've booked a hotel in The Lake District for 3 nights, arranged the trains and purchased a comprehensive 1 day tour of the area. I'll go by Beatrix Potter's house and just enjoy some time in stunning beauty. I think I'll do some hiking and exploring. Will be a total change from the hustle and bustle of London. For someone who thought they walked fast, I've had a RUDE awakening...need to pick up the pace apparently...!!!

Love to all.....

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